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Weapon Pack (Part2)

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About This File

Weapons pack (part2) LOD by Lindr2, texture & UVW mapping by Ravenclaw_007, Lindr2


Weapons list:


Soviet Union / Russia:


R-88 - Heat Seeking Missile (K-51+R-8T clone), very rare used on Su-9 only


KAB-1500S - GPS Homing Bomb (Inertial + Sat correction)


Kh-15P - Anti Radiation Missile


Kh-15S - Anti Ship Missile (Inertial/Active Radar Homing)


Kh-55 - Nuclear cruise Missile (Inertial)


Kh-55SM - Nuclear cruise Missile (Inertial)


RAT-52 - Inertial Homing Rocket-Torpedo used on Il-28T


PTB-1150 - FT (MiG-29 Family), on wing


PTB-2000 - FT (Su-24 on fuselage, Su-35,37,34,30 on wings)




Yu-2 - Inertial Homing Rocket-Torpedo (RAT-52 analog), used on H-5, Q-5B




Astra - BVRAAM missile ( for >2010 year)




Grom-2 TV Homing Missile (Kh-23 modification + AGM-65B seeker)




R-510 - Heat Seeking Missile (TV-homing on real) small series


R-511 - Radar Guided Missile


South Africa:


V3R - A Darter Heat Seeking Missile (IRIS-T seeker) used on S-Africa, Pakistan




Blue Steel - Nuclear cruise Missile (see .txt for help)




AGM-28 Hound Dog - Nuclear Cruise Missile (see AGM-129.txt for help)


AGM-123 Skipper 2 - (GBU-16 + AGM-45 engine) used on USN planes, add LGR class weapon to pylon for USE


AGM-129 ACM - Nuclear Cruise Missile (see AGM-129.txt for help)


GAM-63 Rascal - Nuclear Cruise Missile (see GAM-63.txt for help)


VB-1,VB-2 Azon - US guided bomb 1945-55, used on B-24, B-29 (WWII, Korea War), add CGR class to bomb bay


VB-3,VB-4 Azon - US guided bomb 1945-55, used on B-29 (Korea War), add CGR class to bomb bay


VB-13 Tarzon - US heavy guided bomb, used on B-29 (Korea War), add CGR class to bomb bay need tallboy.bmp texture to use

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