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The Battle For The Desert!

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About This File



This mission has 50+ aircraft involved, its a big battle. You are flying

a Spitfire 5BL and you have 15 other spitfires at your command. Flying along side

you is a squadron of Hurricanes which consists of 16 aircraft. Your mission

is to take out the group of 32 FW-190'S that are escorting the He-111H3. Once you have

taken out the escorts head for the Bombers and take those out before they reach the tanks and troops

on the ground.

Good luck and Good Hunting!




Stick the mission file into your mission folder.


Files Needed:

(THESE CAN BE FOUND AT THE A-TEAMS WEBPAGE...http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ )

Spitfire 5BL





(These can be found at combatace)

Soldiers By Monty CZ

USA sherman M4a2-76-W by rebel ryder (I couldnt get in touch with him so i just want to thank him if he see;s this, and that i am sorry if he didnt want

this to be used)



Capun and the A-Team Skunk works for the Spitfire, Hurricane, HE-111 and FW-190D

Soldiers by Monty CZ

Sherman By Rebel Ryder.




NOTE: Put flight model setting to easy, that way if you go to make a hard turn you wont just spin out of control.


PS. Aircraft have been removed seeing as i caused some upset last time i uploaded, all is good now i think. Just want to say sorry for not reading the copyright thingy.

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