About This File
Multiplay /SINGLE PLAY
train buster's
Trains abound along the Rhine in the beautifull Koblenz area.we are less than a hundred miles from frankfurt,
germany and can hurt their war effort with a sucessfull attack today.
three trains and a marshelling yard are our targets today.enemy air activity is high and so are the stakes in this
free for all to the death.
be aware that the third train has deadly archie and must be approached with caution.keep a wary eye.
you may spot the odd zepp returning to base as were in a zepp flyway and they will be returning home about
this time.good luck and good hunting.
These missions are written with multiplay in mind. they have 16 seats and are set up to have a target rich
enviroment with a fair amount to do.
although they can be played out in single play the mission goals are impossible to meet.
my reasoning for always haveing the sopwith camel is the fact they have a decent load out and with them in
a coop mission with a full house[ie 16 player's] the mission goal is atainable.
survival is the main objective in all mission scenerio's.