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No. 115 Flying Dragon Squadron for TMF's F-16A

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About This File

No. 115 Flying Dragon Squadron skin for TMF's F-16A Fighting Falcon Block 10 IDF:


This skin is for TMF's F-16A Netz Blk 10 and depicts all nine F-16A of 115 Squadron of the IDF/AF. The squadron was formed in 2005 and operates F-16A and F-16B in the aggressor role.



Extract the archive and put the '115IDF' folder right into your F-16A_Blk10-IDF folder, that is all you need to do.

If you don't have the F-16 yet, get it here:







Have fun!



Team Flying Dragon


Released under the CombatAce Fair-Use License.

If you encounter any problems or if you have comments and/or suggestions, contact me at CombatAce.

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