About This File
This a fictional aircraft representing a La-11 flying for the Republic of Dohar so keed that in mind wend flying it ok
The original aircraft model FM ´s and skin was made by Rob "Bunyap" McCray
So all credit goes to him for the model.etc
RS-82 I don’t know who made it for this mod but all due credit goes to him, I have taken it from Wrench WW2 weapons pack the ini data to.
I have only made the following changes: edit the DATA.INI to add ground weapons and weapons pylon to the aircraft using FastCargo FakePilot method so all credit for Fakepilot model and method goes to him I also made the Dohar skin that comes whit the pack using Bunyap templates change the rocket fire angle now the rockets go to lower half of the piper whit the UV´s bottom of piper whit RS-82; made the necessary loadout changes for the new role of this aircraft.
updated the read me whil all due creditis
decals wre made by whitenight06604
include a nations.ini whit the Sharnak Dohar entrys
thats wall