About This File
Whats in it
An FM for Hinchinbrooke's L63 Zeppelin. Mainly for AI, but flyable.
Two 1916 campaigns by me. Simple, mainly so you can fly a number of planes in the 1916 period in a campaign. Update to previous ones I did for Oct 2007 version. These campaigns include Zeppelins (as AI), tanks (yeah, I know, but there is a shortage of targets), infantry.
Two great 1917 campaigns by Charles of the A-team - Bloody April and Cambrai. Modded to include newer models, quite a few heavy bombers and some other things.
Mobile AAA guns by Gr.Viper.
Armed balloons by warlordATF.
MGs based on work by Tailspin in Cambrai terrain.
37mm guns based on work by Tailspin and P10ppy, and models by A-team and P10ppy, in Cambrai and Flanders terrains.
Modded balloons to be somewhat tougher to bring down, and modded some structures so they easier to destroy - Warehouses and bridges, these are seconadry target for the Cambrai Campaigns. AAA is more effective.
There are also modded weaponsdata and gundata files to make it all work.
Trying to make this as easy as possible, by linking other downloads and eliminating any need to mod files. But you do need to download work done by modellers such as terrain and guns and infantry from the original downloads. And install these in the following order, but skip the steps not needed if you already have the files.
First backup your current copy of the game, and make sure its patched to Nov 2008 (Lower RHS of main screen in game).
1) Download and install current FMs and other files ("Game Files") from http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=8064 as per instructions. Note that although you do not need all the planes generally, you do need nearly all for the campaigns. You must have the "Game Files" included in that download.
2) Download and install Hinchinbrookes L63 Zeppelin here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=3617
3) Download and install Edwards Flanders Terrain. Its here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=4424. A simple install, just install everything as per instructions.
4) Download and install Tailspins Machine Gunners. Its here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6202. You only need to place the ParabellumAAA and VickersAAA in the GroundObjects folder, other changes are done in this download.
5) Download and install Tailspins/P10ppy's/A-Teams 37mm models. Its here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6165. Just install files, do not mod any files such as sound files or gundata files as described in Readme - this is done for you in this download.
6) Download and install Charles Cambrai and Bloody Appril campaigns. They are here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=4888 and here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=4860. A simple install, just install everything as per instructions.
7) Install this download LAST. Four main folders in zip file. Just drop these into your main First Eagles directory, and when prompted allow to overwrite. Note it will change gundata and weapondata files as well as other things, and that is essential.
Sounds a lot. But once you have done this not only will you have several campaigns flying most of the available aircraft, you will also have many mods that will part of your game, missions as well as Campaigns, eg, infantry from the Bloody April/cambrai campaigns, machine gunners and 37mm guns that will be present for all missions as well as these campaigns etc, Mobile AAA and Armed balloons. Makes the groundwar and balloon hunting much more interesting.
37mm Guns including data.inis, sound, tracers, models and testing by Tailspin, P10ppy, B Bandy RFC, the A-Team.
Flanders Terrain by Edward.
Machine Gunners by Tailspin using models by the A-Team.
Armed Balloons are by warlordATF.
MobileAAA are by Gr.Viper.
Cambrai and Bloody April Campaigns are by Charles, minor mods by me.
Zeppelin L63 by Hinchinbrooke.
L63 FM and minor mods to all the rest by me.
Any problems, please contact me on Forum or via PM. Peter01 23rd June 2009