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Korean Campaign Newbie question

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I just saw the full Korean war mod in the campaign section. I have WOV, not SF. Will this mod work with Wings Over Vietnam? I don't have Strike Fighters, so I don't know if the file structure is the same. Sorry for my lack of expertise. I saw the new announcement for the Communist version of this campaign, and if I need four installs of WOV (USAF/USN, VPAF, Korean war US, and Korean war Russian) then so be it. The mods for this sim are just too good to pass up, if I can use them. Thanks!

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Thanks, Buff. The read me said I couldn't, but I'll do another install of WOV and give it a try.

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Give it a try but you wont need a seperate install for the Russian mod, you just need to install the Russian mod over your (hopefully working) Korean full mod.


so just one installtion of the Korean war mod should do.

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Give it a try but you wont need a seperate install for the Russian mod, you just need to install the Russian mod over your (hopefully working) Korean full mod.


so just one installtion of the Korean war mod should do.


Thanks, MK. Going to set it up this weekend. Pepelyaev, here I come! On a side note, got my first VPAF kill on my first mission out, when I downed an A-4 Skyhawk. Uncle Ho likes me! He really likes me!

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