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"Switchblade" Flighter/Bomber?

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While doing a search for some info on the F-19, I came across a few stories about the supposed F-111 replacement, the "Switchblade". I remember seeing some info on it back around the time the movie Stealth came out, since the F/A-37 Talon resembled it somewhat. It is a rather interesting concept, and whether it truly exhists or not is still unknown.


Here is a website with some images and text from a Popular Science's article that ran some years back:




The artist for that article has a website and here's a grat image from that:




You have to use some caution when believing a site called "Area 51 Zone" but it does have some nice images and a side view of the aircraft:





I also found that they have this thing flying in Battlefield 2:




With the F-19 coming out soon, I thought maybe a few on here would have some interest, and maybe someone looking for a project to work on could pick it up....idk...still makes a good topic for some discussion. Yes, you have to show some doubt when it comes to top secret aircraft, but that doesn't mean you can have some interest in them. Maybe this thing really does exhist. I guess we'll eventually find out.

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by the sounds of the Area 51 Article its real...... sounds like a hell of a plane too....... wonder if its makable in SF.......

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I think the fact that there is a patent for it leads you to believe that this thing is the real deal. But why all the covering up? Well it seems that most of these sites don't really give us any info on how this thing is powered (correct me if I'm wrong) maybe this thing has an advanced type of engine....something similar to what we see on the F/A-37 in "Stealth".


I don't see why this can't be done for SF...I mean the F-14 has the whole swept wing animation, this is just an advanced form of that. Really coll design blends elements of the YF-23, F-14, and X-29 all into one cool looking plane.


Just some more images from the sites:










You can really see how it was thought that this plane was the "Bird of Prey" (this proved to be false) This aircraft truly looks like a bird.

Edited by gladiator1332

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