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Does anyone know where I can get SF Gold?

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I placed an order for it online with GMX over two weeks ago, and they confirmed it next day, saying they wouldn't bill my card until they shipped, and they'd notify me by email when that happened, but that's the last I've heard from them, despite emailing their customer support two days ago. Does anyone know where else it's available for someone in the states? I don't mind doing a duplicate order, as long as I get it.


I need it for the desert cat file. I've gotten many different campaigns and mods to work with my copy of WOV, but I can't get the airfields to work with the Suez and Israel 1.4 terrains, because the airfields seem to be oriented 90 degrees from what they are in WOV. So, I have to start all missions in the air and landing is a hoot, because I can land manually okay, but my wingmen stubbornly land across the runway (90 degrees). I'm afraid they'll chew up their tires doing that. Also, every once in a while, a tanker is docked in the middle of the desert, and I'm sure there are a few other "did I just see that, or is it the desert heat" moments waiting for me out there in the Sinai.


If anyone can help me locate the sim, I'd appreciate it. As I've said, I don't mind doing a dupe order in order to get the prized cat file.



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Hey Heck :bye:


You can get SFP1 at Circuit City for only five dollars for those in the US. Here's the link


Circuit City SFP1


This is the ValueSoft edition and is already patched to number 3. You'll have to add patch 3.1 and 3.2 to it.


Have fun! :)



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