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Is my Laptop too low spec?

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I have an HP laptop that's been happily running WOV and SFP1 for a couple of months now, so for some variety I've installed LOMAC. However, I get hoorendous hangs when I run it- the screen is a gash pit, and it looks as though my graohics chip has totally spazzed out. It's an intel 915GM/GMS express chipset with 128MB of Ram, and direct x9.1- is that not good enough? have I been overly optimistic?

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It's the graphical chipset - it's in the range of old GF2 cards, if even that. No way of running it on that laptop, I'm afraid.

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It would take one of the newer..and VERY high end laptops to run it...LOMAC will,when I set the graphics up,bring my system to it's knees!

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I am curious as to what settings you have SF/WOV set at on that HP laptop. Thanks.

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