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A couple ideas for mods.....could it be done?

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Well, 'tis been a few days since my last post. I installed a new hard drive, and with that task came a lot of work - reinstalling everything. Such a pain. But worth it in the end, I hope.


I was wondering how difficult it would be to include an option for selecting Flaps in increments, rather than just landing, or takeoff? Also, I seem to recall reading someone else's comments on this, but it would be nice to be able to start/stop the engines; maybe even be able to control each one? Just a thought.


Oh yeah, what about adding the capability to fold the wing tips?


Or maybe even in-flight refueling capability?


One last thing. Can anyone out there give me some instruction on how to use the CH Control Manager for making & editing Map files for the game controllers? Hey, this old Navy Chief is gettin' older by the day, and I need all the help I can get! I would appreciate some help with this.




Chief W.

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Hmm folding wings and inflight refueling sound great... but for me those 2 things are like way in the back of things i want in the game..


they are basicly cosmetic.. no real use..


Unless carrier operations are introduced,


And combat sorties require inflight refueling..


just my 2 yen




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Carrier ops were my reasons for introduction of these mods, if they can be added. It would be fantastic to have a mp setup, where everyone would cat off a carrier, one by one...or side by side at the same time!


The possiblities are interesting, eh?


Maybe even have a flyable A-6 for refueling?


One thing though....you can leave the voice of a screamin' Air Boss outa the picture! Whew!


Chief W.

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Some interesting ideas there.


Flaps: I tried adding more than two positions for the flaps, but they still only have landing and take-off positions. No luck there.


Folding wings: This is definitely possible. Amourdave has a Su-17 model in the works where he has working swing wings. It's done by animating the wing movement in 3DSMax and then assigning the animation to the 'H' key (arrestor hook). A similar thing could be done with a folding wing animation, but you would have to have the 3DSMax model, so this would be for add-on planes only.


In-flight refuling: Interesting idea, but I can't think of a way to make this happen without an update to the source code. Modeling a tanker is defintely do-able and modeling a refuling boom is do-able, but adding fuel while airborne is beyond what we can do without help from TK.


Arrested landings: Another intersting topic. You could possibly simulate this with extremely sticky tires, but then you would have to start in the air because there would be now way to take-off.


Keep thinking of stuff like this, that's the kind of things that will push this sim farther along.

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