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Hi guys,

I'm new to Wings Over Vietnam and I was wondering if there are sites that offer ad ons and skins for this sim?

Thanking all in advance.

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Almost all add on planes and skins for the planes are compatible with both SF-P1 and WoV. In other words, almost every plane you see on this site (in the Strike Fighters section) will work with Wings over Vietnam, though some modifications have to be made in the date range of WoV itself to make them available if they entered service after 1973 or if they left before 1968 or whenever the time span default is in WoV (I can't remember, I modified mine a while back.) There's a few threads on modifying the dates on these forums, it's not a big deal; it's in the main directory Options.ini file. Similarly, to fully utilize the planes, you should get the latest Weapons and Effects Packs.

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Hi guys,

I'm new to Wings Over Vietnam and I was wondering if there are sites that offer ad ons and skins for this sim?

Thanking all in advance.



Check out the files section here, and also the links provided. Major Lee's Aerodrome is a great site for SF downloads, which will work in WOV, although I believe it's better to own both, because of the greater number of mission types available in SF. Also check out Column5.com for addon planes, and a quick trip to Dueces Strike Fighters Terrain is a must. As someone advised me, pick up a copy of the Valuesoft version of Strike Fighters, which you can find at Circuit City's website, patch it, and you'll have fun with both. All the tutorials you'll need to install things can be found here, and to newbies like us, this site is a godsend. Right now, I have two copies of WOV on my computer (US and VPAF) and two copies of SF (Mid East and Korea). Have fun!

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Diddo!! Pick up Strike Fighters Project 1 at Circuit City $4.99. Make sure you go to the Links and "patch up" both sims. Theres a great group here who will help you get to know SF/WOV. Check out the forums as mentioned and note the "Stickys" and tutorials. Lots of FAQ's and answers there from very knowlegeable veterans.

Edited by eightlein

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