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add on pilots from column5

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:help: hey guys! ive been wanting to use the pilots from column5 for the longest time so i broke down and tried to use them this week. i cant get them to show up in the game?! im not sure if i edited the .ini right or something or put something in the wrong folder. any help would be greatly appreciated :haha: Edited by markkyle66

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Open the aircraft data.ini of th e plane you want to add the pilot too.


It looks something like this.




PilotModelName = Harrier <----This is where you add this line of the pilot you want to use.




MinExtentPosition=-0.25, 2.5,-0.2

MaxExtentPosition= 0.25, 3.2, 0.8



Make sure the pilot and skin is in your main aircraft folder. You should then be set.

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Open the aircraft data.ini of th e plane you want to add the pilot too.


It looks something like this.




PilotModelName = Harrier <----This is where you add this line of the pilot you want to use.




MinExtentPosition=-0.25, 2.5,-0.2

MaxExtentPosition= 0.25, 3.2, 0.8

Make sure the pilot and skin is in your main aircraft folder. You should then be set.


So just edit the line where it says pilot model name using wordpad? assuming everything else is in its proper place...

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Yes add that line.

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Yes add that line.



Ive almost got it! .. i'm trying to use the VF31 tomcatters pilot from column5... it didnt load and crashed the game when i went to fly with a tomcat ... ? for that one line i wrote this... PilotModelName=vf31af1 I did the same for the Copilot... without puting .lod after it ... since the readme said it wasnt required. The pilots are in the WOV/aircraft folder and not in a specific aircraft folder


thanks for trying to help me lol

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Guest Diego

Not sure who uploaded this file since I'm the author of the textures.


Check to see if there is a cfg file named vf31af1. Open it up with Notepad or Word and check to see if the names match the LOD file.



Filename=XXX.LOD <---should be vf31af1.LOD




Filename=XXX_lod002.LOD <---should be vf31af1.LOD


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Guest Saganuay82

You dont need the file extension just the name.


PilotModelName = Harrier


Make sure the name you write in matches the BMP.

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These are up at C5's.


Readme from one




Template: Diego



1.Drop the 3 files in your Strikes Fighters/Objects/Aircraft folder

2.Open the plane_data.ini file of the plane that you want the pilot skin to go with, search for



// Crew ---------------------------------------------------------





and then, just under this line, enter "PilotModelName=XXX.LOD" so you'll see



// Crew ---------------------------------------------------------






XXX.LOD is the name of the file.lod provided in each zip


Here it is!!


Cédric "Corktip 14/Flying-V" Bruwier

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Guest Diego

Just in case others with the same problem just happen to use the search button, what was the resolution?

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