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A bright spot in the sea of darkness?

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Ok, anotehr one related to iraq, not sure how many of you all know which countries are supporting the US, either symbolic or with any operations in Iraq, and the list may surprise you, it surprised me this morning when i read it:


Britian as you know, Australia is sending several thousand to the Middle East, Albania, Croatia, Czech republic, hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, lithunia, latvia, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Denmark, Portugal and turkey.


Canada is close to joining.....


impressive list although most are jsut symbolic?


Notice that most are from the former soviet satellites....


Add anymore if you can :)

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Canada is already part of the Coalition, four Canadian Navy Frigates are attached to Two Carrier Battle Groups in the Persian Gulf Area of Operation.

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That is quite an assembly of allies. Did not know most of those were involved. Maybe most of the former soviet countries feel as though they owe the free world a little something. Or maybe they are trying to show that they have armies that can fight like the rest of the world. (unlike the french) They might even be out to prove something to Russia sense Russia doesnt have the money to support their own army. Whatever it might be, at least someone out there is an ally. It seems most of the stronger NATO countries are to timid to commit troops in a modern world of anti-war, anti-government rallies.

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