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Mig 17PFU Still having problems.

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Mig 17PFU Still having problems.


I have been trying for months to get the radar nose to show up on the 17PFU. I can get several different types of missiles to show in its place and L29 gun pod but not the radar nose. Last time I asked about this someone said ? learn to use the Weapons Editor! Well what am I doing wrong?


From the DATA.ini


















On my weapons editor:



Fullname= (Cant remember I?m at work! ? Azimuth Radar something)

3D Modle Name=17PFU

Mass Kg=140.0



Storetype= ?

Jamming strength=

Decoy Dispenser strength=

Attachment type= WP SU

Mission Data

Nation Name= Soviet Union

Start year=1960

End year=1980

Availability=2 ? (Rare)

Base Quantity= 1


Start year= 1965

End year= 1975 (?)



Thanks for any help!

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There's a fix for that on my site...did it almost 2 years ago.

check on the "new airplanes page" that has the cockpit repaints. There's one for the 17PFU, that includes an updated weapons entry tht turns the radar nose into a jammer pod (with strength of 0), and includes a repainted A-4E cockpit (and if I remember, uses the Izumrud radar tga), audio RWR, and some other fixes.


Full detailed instructions are there.

But just in case, here's the weaponsdata entry for the modified/updated radar nose. You'll have to change the AllowedWeaponsType= to "EP" for the 'jammer nose'




FullName=RP-1 Izumrud Radar


















I remember that some time ago, Bunyap was working on updating all the radar noses, dorsal humps and other 'addons' for the Skyhawks (A-4EL, A-4P/Q, Kahu, etc), using the data I gave him. I have a lot of those that I did already done, but they've never been posted. Cause some ain't quite finished.


But to get started, grab the update from my site (use the link below in my sig). I also seem to remember posting a lot of these here at CA; possibly in the 'SF Cockpits' section.



Kevin Stein

Edited by Wrench

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Everything showed up in the right place except the nose. No extra missiles just an empty weapon station on the nose. So there must be a problem with the weapon editing even though I copied your instructions in again. The only thing I can think to do is to take everything out and start again.

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Go check the size of the 17PFU LOD file in the Weapons folder and report back here. This "LOD" file is the 3D object (not the 17PFU bmp skin picture).


17PFU should be Size 42.4 KB ... under the Window's right click Properties function.


There was another 17PFU LOD file floating around one time, at about 37kb size, and this one did not work. I did everything "right" but still never saw the Nose until I downloaded the larger 17PFU lod file.


Hope this helps!!

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Both lods are in the zip...basically cause I couldn't remembe which one worked and which didn't :dntknw:


That's good info, thanks Lex!!



Kevin Stein

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Another possibility that just threw me. I went to look at my PFU nose -- IT WAS GONE !!!


I was stumped until I realized that In my rush I "forgot" to give my -17 a weapon loadout in Kreelin's mission editor.


Make sure your MiG-17 has been assigned a loadout which includes the 17PFU "Nose Weapon" in the 17PFU loadout file....



















Hey thanks Wrench, we are posting at the same time.


Awsim nose job I love this thing. I had become somewhat proficient with those K-5 missiles. Its a major challenge requiring much patience, and that is how it was I believe. .

Edited by Lexx_Luthor

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All adjusted for...the kit has a new loadout ini with that listed.


Also, double check spelling of the "ModelName=" for the correct lod's name. They must match exactly (like everything else in an ini)



Kevin Stein

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Hey Wrench. Its all there --- it seems I am not however. I just was too lazy to give my -17 any kind of loadout setting in the mission editor.

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LODs seem to show 50KB. I think it is something to do with the file names and I just need to check everything again.



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I remember goin round & round with this issue....


Check your PM... :)

Edited by dfang

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I realized that I had to do something drastic so I removed the weapons pack and all the inis that I had bodged in there and just put the AA.1, Tank and 17PFU files into the WoV, Objects folder. Guess what, just the same ? missiles and tanks but no nose. Changed the allowed objects and a missile showed up on the nose OK. Therefore I guess the 17PFU.LOD must be flawed ? I did try the 42kb and 50kb version as well.


My Migs got no nose. How does he smell?................


I will send you my email dfang!

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