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Guest zerocinco

Sloppy but it flies!

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Guest zerocinco

Hey. I discovered something! Capun's SH-3 just about flies and is controllable down to 8 knots. I can find a downed pilot (in this case a Jeep), land, and think I have a way to simulate a pick up.


This thing is too glossy, needs research and ISN'T AN HH-3C. (I guess that's next.) First clean up the boogers on this thing.


But, in the mean time, I'm going to fashion a SAR mission where people risk their lives to save a Jeep.

Edited by zerocinco

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Guest capun
Hey. I discovered something! Capun's SH-3 just about flies and is controllable down to 8 knots


Gee Whiz, I did not know you could do that :blink:


Use the Thrust Vector Luke !!!

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Guest zerocinco

Why does it quit running after a while? Fuel?


To be honest, I fly almost all the way there on Autopilot, fly by hand carefully to descend, use Wing Leveler to yaw it around, hand fly to the target, lower the gear (and flaps) and hit the brakes FAST. Then I fight turning it around without taking off and taxi over to the Jeep.


I stuck the UH1H cockpit on it so a little guy comes bouncing out in front of the windscreen on landing.


I think have a little pilot man coming. I'll make him and enemy tank and when I run over him, his explosion will be "Got him. Let's get out of here." and you get 5000 points. Red Crown says come home, and all you have to do is get the engine running again...or learn to speak Vietnamese.

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Wow zero, looking good.

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Wow zero, looking good.

OH hell Zero, for now just make it fuel easy settings....give it a refueling probe.....put a tanker in the mix...hang a rosary from the gear......something...anything....LMAO.....work the bugs out later......start a rumor.....theres a Jolly Green in WOE. (joke) b4 MTL suspends my tyrannasoreass for a month.

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(joke) b4 MTL suspends my tyrannasoreass for a month.

silly meatchicken :haha:



Eight sent ya an email need help from ya on your buddy's skin.

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