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Hi Guy


I have a very stupid question: What are the best system requirements for WoV resp. which system do you us?


I ask because I have -according to my opinion- a very good system (P4 3,4 GHz, 1GB Ram, ATI 800x 256 MB). Unfortunatly, sometime I have stuttering problems esp. over city in WoV. I have turned off some graphic details (Mirror effects) and play the game with a resolution of 1024x768 but sometimes I always get this stuttering problems.


Does someone of you have the same problems? If yes, how do you solved it?





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When are you experiencing stuttering? Fly random single player missions with light air defenses and see how it goes compared to using heavy air defenses. I play at 1600x1200x32 with max quality except for disabling mirrors and shadows on a much less capable P3 1.2GHz PC with a 9800 Pro 128MB. Your system should do well with mirrors and shadows enabled. However, when the air is full of SAMs, flak, enemy aircraft and is there are a ton of radio calls "SAM launched!", the game really bogs down sometimes (seems to be related to sound). I wouldn't drop the resolution to 1024x768 but you might try reducing the number of sound channels, especially if you are using the built-in motherboard sound which taps into cpu power.

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