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Ghost Recon Advanced Bug finder

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OK.....Back in 2001 I got blown away by the first GR. So much so that I had to run out and pick up both add ons the minute my local EB games cut open the boxes, downloaded gigs worth of mods, etc.


It was with much anticipation and excitement that I heard the Ghosts were coming home to the PC after the dreadful foray into the world of consoles.


I downloaded the PC demo of "Advanced Warfighter" and fired it up all giddy like a little school girl.


What I found was a buggy piece of crap....first of all, what is with the Ghosts looking like they belong serving next to Hicks and Hudson in the Colonial Marines? Not that it's a bug, just something that pissed me off....the original Ghost Recon was great because although it was set a few years in the future, it was still very much current military hardware and kits.


OK...So, I get my mission breifing, and find myself sitting in the back of a Blackhawk with a few other Ghosts. We ride this damn thing for at least 5 minutes with nothing to do but stare out the window wondering when the hell we get to shoot something. Finally, I notice the tops of buildings are getting closer....this is it....finally going to see some combat. The chopper pilot calls out "OK boys, this is your stop...Going to have to do the rest on foot". My squadmates repel from the Blackhawk. I am close behind them....and end up inside a building....not a building that I am supposed to be in, but a BSP hole. I can see out of the building, all around me is nothing but black. I try to find a way out but can't. I am stuck in static mesh. What a great game. Five minutes of riding in a chopper and waiting around, and then I get dropped off into a mesh. Nice....


I closed the program, uninstalled the demo and re-installed the original Ghost Recon...

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Hmm I have the full version and I like it alot. That look you see them in is the look of the Advanced Warrior program. Get used to it as it is coming for the US Army. The first mission was an orientation mission on using controls etc. Very well put together. Got to engage some tangos. I gave my troops orders and they did a great job of taking them out. So far I am in pressed. The demo blew but the game itself is better.

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I think I'll wait on Armed Assult...I might try it later on but for now after trying demo my view is tainted.

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While GRAW isn't the GR2 we were waiting for, it's still a good tactical squad-based FPS. It does have its limits and its shortcomings, but what doesn't nowadays?


I am looking forward to ArmA as well, though!




The Jedi Master

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I bought the full version (don't have it with me here, it is home), and liked it okay. Don't recall any bugs. I must say, I really loved the original GR, and like you, bought those add ons the minute they came out. I just recently fired up GR, and am pi$$ed that I left the expansion disks at home. Playing on a laptop pretty much sucks, I downloaded Raven Shield, but this laptop is quite outdated, so it would not even load. I have been burning up bandwidth downloading expansions, I always loved the embassy map in GR, quite fun!

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I've pretty much played GRAW out at this point. I played it SO much over the last year that I stopped playing it around the time ArmA reached the 1.05 patch.

If you take it for what it is and not what some people expected it to be, GRAW is a decent game.


I'm hopeful about GRAW2, but I'm not placing any bets. :wink:

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