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Guest zerocinco


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Guest zerocinco

After a dozen emails, I made the Yankee Air Pirate mods easy to load. But this time, you have to back your stuff up or it will wipe them out. You may have a Patrol Boat as an object that I do not use. Or you may need nukes for your L-19. My stuff is Vietnam ONLY and corrected to what was really done with it.


What these mods are designed to do is to allow the player to BE a pilot in the Vietnam War throughout the four countries and the many missions in which the war was fought...including help grunts fight a war.


It took hundreds of hours to create. What you get for a little trouble is this:


New targets. Rail yards. Special Forces camps. Fire support bases. Artillery. Infantry. Small Arms AAA. Fuel Depots. Fishing villages. Sampans. Towns just aching to be hit. The Citadel at Hue. More realistic AAA.


You will carry the right load. (The WOV F4 Attack load is CBU's. Can you imagine Close Air Support/Troops In Contact and having a fast mover arrive with indiscriminate, wide area, anti-personnel weapons aboard?) We carry snake and nape. Some targets are hardened. Some are easier to destroy.


The missions will demand that you attempt in-flight refueling, conduct radar intercepts, read ground mapping radar, read a map, dead recon, fly an instrument/radar approach, do a short-field landing, fly a big fat Sikorsky into hell to rescue a pilot, strafe, do radar bombing, fly formation, fly photo recon (and take pictures) and escort recce birds. You will be a fast FAC, fly road recce, fight under flares at night, be involved in Search & Rescue missions, strike trucks on the Ho Chi Minh Trail, do a resupply for the CIA up in Barrel Roll (the PDJ), bomb the railyard at Thai Nguyen, Hanoi and Haiphong, kill guns at Xepon and, in the end, run for your life as Saigon falls to your enemy. That's a lot more than just locking onto a blip at 13.7 nm (max range of a Sparrow II head on) and squeezing two off.


WOV is NORTH Vietnam. Why limit what you get for your twenty bucks? Yes, there were Steve Richie and Randy Cunningham and the Paul Doumier Bridge. But on 3000 other days and a million other sorties, the Air War in Southeast Asia was doing something else.


This is that "something else".


If you have any questions or suggestions or requests, let me know. (I can build a town to suit you in about an hour now that I did all the prep work.) If you want to write missions for these targets, contact me and I'll give you the keys to the city.

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You are doing some great stuff, so keep it up!

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Hang in there man!!! This is good stuff your doing. Welcome to the wild world of Mods!!!

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Guest zerocinco

It's seductive.

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It's a good one! Fantastic job, zerocinco!

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Guest Sony Tuckson

thx, will try this

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