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Celeron D 2.6ghz....Good enough.

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I'm upgrading with just a few bucks and wondering how sfp1 runs on a Cel 2.6 with 512DDR 400mhz RAM. My video card is Geforce4 Ti 4200 128meg.


My pIII 1ghz isn't fast enough to play when there are more than about 15 jets in the same area - stutters.


I want to be able to fly sime of the missions that others have submitted (my sincere appreciation to you guys) but my pc starts to stutter. And, I want to have the graphics turned up to max or near.


Any comments from people with a similar Celeron system would be helpful.


Celeron D 2.6ghz

512DDR ram 400mhz

GeForce Ti 4200 AGP 8x 128meg


For me the appeal of this sim is the jets of the era have simple to operate systems especially weapons and radar. Although more mountains would be great. LOMAC had some great missions flying through valleys while dogfighting. Funtastic! But a bit to sosphisticated for my liking.

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I don't have a similar system myself, but I do have enough experience having been involved with the series for the last three and a half years to help you make a decision.


The system that you're describing is indeed "good enough", but to truly enjoy the game as it was meant to be, upgrade your video card to one that is truly DirectX 9 compliant, and add another 512 mb of RAM. This will allow you to turn on most of the eye candy, and allow the game to run at a decent frame rate.

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Thanks, that answers my queries.

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