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Guest zerocinco

imaginary weapon

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Guest zerocinco

I need to make an invisible weapon. It destroys a target very close to and in front of the aircraft. It's a gun. It registers as being aboard. I know they don't have to be visible to shoot. But can they shoot without anything? You know: a short range death ray.

Edited by zerocinco

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I dont think it can be done. I would PM bunyap and ask him.

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Guest zerocinco

I have it all done except one small thing: the boom.


How do I substitute one sound for another in an effect? If I can get rid of that pesky boom when he disappears and substitute another sound, he's done.

Edited by zerocinco

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Cool. I see what you have in mind...


When you create the gun with the gun editor there is a block for the "Gun Fire Sound Name". Delete whatever is there and the gun's sound should be gone.


Was there an additional sound caused by the guy disappearing or was the gun's sound the only one?

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Guest zerocinco

It's already blank.


I'm using a version of InertBombEffect in Gun Fire Effect Name. Sound is blank. Gun Effect Name for BulletObject is basically blank with a sound made when the object is hit. I will settle for no sound at all.


It goes BOOM when he gets hit, not when I pull the trigger.


Damned Death Rays from Best Buy. Not like they used to be.


No clue. Something simple I have left off.

Edited by zerocinco

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