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Updated Uber AI (Version 2.0)

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I've just uploaded an updated UberAI mod. It was developed on Wings Over Europe, so it is SF & WoV SP4 (patch level 051506) compliant. If you find the default SP4 dogfight AI to be quite an improvement, try this file and compare the two :biggrin:


Get it HERE


You MUST have SF or WoV updated to the latest patch in order to take advantage of all the improvements in this mod!

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Under Dogfight Regular, Veteran, and Ace, you have several single slash marks...


360 / 180


Should that be double marks // for comments?



or...did TK allow division in the ini files?? :cool:

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Under Dogfight Regular, Veteran, and Ace, you have several single slash marks...


360 / 180


Should that be double marks // for comments?

or...did TK allow division in the ini files?? :cool:


You don't need double whacks to remark out a value. That's like double tapping someone to make sure they're dead :ninja:

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Thanks for this mod. Looks really good.

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