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Help Needed from RAF-Experts....

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Holla Folks,

I started to skin some canberra B2 skins.

Now i need some more Informations, pictures etc.. from 2 Squads.

1st: 98 Sqn

2nd: 100Sqn


I have informations, but in an bad quality...


I hope somebody can help me...

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what timeframe?

you could contact the squadron associations to see if they can provide photos.

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Holla Folks,

I started to skin some canberra B2 skins.

Now i need some more Informations, pictures etc.. from 2 Squads.

1st: 98 Sqn

2nd: 100Sqn


I have informations, but in an bad quality...


I hope somebody can help me...




Is this your bad quality information, or something new?


98 sqn was mainly a signals outfit. Whilst it did operated b2s it also had e15s which were used for radar calibration and other signals related duties.








100 sqn canberra circa 1954. From what I've read the white scheme here was used during the squadrons time working in the british nuclear testing programme. Canberras didn't carry nukes themselves until the 60s. They wore the anti flash white whilst being used as observation and sampling aircraft during weapons tests. The schemes with red and blue trime were for experimental use and the scheme with the yellow underbelly was for target towing duties.


Hope this helps. It's nice to see someone skinning such a great aircraft rather than the usual US stuff most folks go for. Look forward to seeing the results. I editted the data.ini recently on the canberra b2 to make it historically accurate for the RAF if you are interested.

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