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Hi everyone, I am in the middle of making my AI enemy fighters more interesting by giving them missile capabilty. I noticed that while flying in single missions and instant action, (also LAN multi coop) that the soviet fighters never appear with missiles. So i have changed there loadout files to include the new R-3R and R-13M etc. missiles, but they have a service end date and I was just wondering if there is a way to have new missiles installed on the same pylon after the service end year of the other?

I have looked at the US loadouts and didn't see anything different, also i have had a quick scrimage thru existing threads, but couldn't see anything.

Any help on this?



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One of the nice things about the weapons set-up is that the game will automaticly select a new missile after the default one is no longer available. You can't select the exact missile that gets added in its place but the game usually gets it right.

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Thats awesome. Thanks for the reply Bunyap.

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I've given my guys missiles but on occaison they just shoot them like bombs over the target at a level angle so they always miss. Usualy i just give them cluster munitions cuz they are real good at using unguided bonbs.

note the diagram: I know its not real great



<^===> >>--->

(plane) (launched missile)






(ground and target)

Edited by BOOM

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Yeah, i noticed that. Another thing i noticed is when i attack a runway in single missions, the enemy loadout resembles a recon setup, instead of say, intercept?

Oh well, at least the are still armed.

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