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diane radar for a6 mod

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diane radar for a6 mod

welcome to the forum but what do you mean exactly?

DIANE was more than just a radar & it was also (at least initially) rather unreliable ...

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Digital Inertial Analog Navigation Equipment or DIANE was the heart of the A-6 radar ,navigation and flight controls. It was all data linked together in the aircraft. It was inertial navigation,Lat,Long that had to updated during the flight to remain accurate.

The radar screen he is referring to was the BN's radar screen. The big one on the right side. It was ground and terrain following radar. The small round scope below the dash on the pilots side was a repeater scope for the pilot. We didn't have IR or night vision back then. At least it was not in the A-6.

The BN's got so good with the radar they could pick out individual targets and bomb right off the radar screen. Not as accurate as lazer guided but it was pretty damn good for back then.

We could even shoot self contained GCA's using the A-6 radar.

Where the radar is located in the sim on the A-6 is actually the VDI or Visual Display Indicator. It was the pilots visual display ,attitude indicator,bank indicator,track indicator, etc. It was like a TV set with all the display functions.

If I can find my A-6 NATOPS manual I will scan the pages and try to upload them for whoever wants to do an accurate A-6 cockpit.

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I may not know anything as much about DIANE as you do but you have to admit that his question /statement is extremely cryptic ...

I can't see how you know what he means from what he says - he may want a full blown DIANE system for all I know (not going to happen according to TK) .

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Sorry Buff:

It is a pretty general statement.

A DIANE system for the A-6 would be pretty cool,though. But, I'm sure TK has more important issues he is taking care of.

It's great having the websight back up.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed .

It's to bad that you couldn't backtrack and fry the SOB's whole system.

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