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Seems that many WoV and WOE skins, and add-on skins, don't have kill marks enabled.


I can figure out the positions myself through trial and error (or just copying the script if the aircraft was in SF:P1), but I wondered if anybody has done this already for some aircraft and posted it somewhere?


Sorry if this has been discussed, but searched and no joy. Thanks for any info!

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Pancho, I got em on the F-100D by making these entries in the decal INI. I didnt try other aircraft.

Perhaps this will assist you. If I recall its 4 per mesh, so maybe thats why they wont show on other aircraft.


// Killmarks










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I used to have "10" kill marks (a marker per 10 kills) but now after wiping everything and reinstalling, I've got single stars all over the place.

Is there a fix for this?


SFP1 patch 10/2008

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I used to have "10" kill marks (a marker per 10 kills) but now after wiping everything and reinstalling, I've got single stars all over the place.

Is there a fix for this?


SFP1 patch 10/2008


Deca-Stars(10) Showed up after 20 kills

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Deca-Stars(10) Showed up after 20 kills


Wow...there's a 50 Kill Star, nice.

Hey does anyone have the "Postion=" details for the F-8C_MF from Mirage Factory?

Are their Skins Sideways?

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