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What to do when certain addons dont appear?

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Hey people,


some of the addon aircraft i downloaded dont appear in the fly list at all,

what can i do to check in the folders if everything is alright?


example the mi-24 hind installed like all the others but wont show in the list, also the same with the hercules.


(talking about woe) :help:

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Look in their cockpit ini. Sometimes it aliases a cockpit of an aircraft you don't have installed. Two choices if it does: alias another aircraft's cockpit, or install the aircraft it's looking for. Also, if you had to make a folder for the aircraft make sure that folder is named exactly what the aircraft calls itself in the aircraft ini, ie: P-51d is named P-51d, and not P51d. Check the data ini to make certain the dates of usage conform to the dates of availability in your game. If these don't help, consult the section here called knowledge base for more info...

Edited by Heck

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Guest capun

Most likely explanation (after answering the same question untold times) it that you have double nested folders.


You shoudl have something like this




If you have an extra Mi-24 folder in between, you have double nested folders.

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probally fixed te folders now some where named with a _ instead of a - .

Also does it look for upper and lower case?


also about the cockpit i have some planes that dont seem to have a cockpit but they do load.

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Guest capun

CombatAce has a tendency to rename some of the files from the undescore (_) to a dash (-) or is it vice-versa.


No, they are not case sensitive

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