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Skin for the Northrop F-5E model from the Mirage Factory.


Skin plates based on the original templates by Sony Tuckson, based on WPNSSGT's original work.


Finally, thanks must go to "Skullkickers" on the CA forum for providing me additional info on Brazil's F-5's - thanks Paulo! :good:


Northrop F-5E, 1 Esquadrao, 1° Grupo de Aviacao de Caca, Força Aérea Brasileira (Brazilian Air Force).


Skin Installation:


Unzip to a temporary folder. Move the 1_1FAB folder into the F-5E folder in your Objects\Aircraft folder in either SFP1 or WOV.


Michael "Mike1" Riddell, 19/07/06.


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File Name: BrazilianTiger.rar

File Submitter: <a href='http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showuser=4563'>Mike1</a>

File Submitted: 19 Jul 2006

File Category: <a href='http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?automodule=downloads&showcat=45'>SF F-5 Skins</a>


Skin for the Northrop F-5E model from the Mirage Factory.


Skin plates based on the original templates by Sony Tuckson, based on WPNSSGT's original work.


Finally, thanks must go to "Skullkickers" on the CA forum for providing me additional info on Brazil's F-5's - thanks Paulo! :good:


Northrop F-5E, 1 Esquadrao, 1° Grupo de Aviacao de Caca, Força Aérea Brasileira (Brazilian Air Force).


Skin Installation:


Unzip to a temporary folder. Move the 1_1FAB folder into the F-5E folder in your Objects\Aircraft folder in either SFP1 or WOV.


Michael "Mike1" Riddell, 19/07/06.


<a href='http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?automodule=downloads&showfile=2994'>Click here to download this file</a>


"Senta a Pua" is their motto and translates roughly to "Press on". I flew the F-5Bs several times with the 1st Fighter Group whose history stretches back to WWII flying Jugs in Italy when I was a student at the Escola do Comando e Estado Maior (Command and Staff College) in Rio. The Brazilians were just like fighter pilots anywhere and were very gracious to this "estrangeiro espiona" (foreign spy). They were excellent jet drivers and I'd be proud to have any one of them covering my six in a shooting situation.

This was in 1984-5 and, if you will bear with me, I will relate a presentation ceremony I was very proud to participate in at the base at Santa Maria. It seems that during the end of WWII lots of things got lost and one of those lost things that was refound and finished was the award of the Presidential Unit Citation to the 1st Fighter Group for their distinguished performance in the Italian campaign. In part due to the fact that the USAF was quite embarrassed at how long this award had been delayed, the USAF decided to do the job right. The Secretary of the Air Force led a contingent of 12 USAF General Officers and coordinated the ceremony with FAB at Santa Maria, traditional home to the 1st Fighter Group. It was the USAF intent that every member of the unit be decorated by an American General Officer. Since there was something like 500 members of this unit still alive, we needed 12 Generals to get through the crowd in an efficient manner. The USAF did it up brown and following a moving speech by the Secretary, the Generals lined up and delivered that small bit of ribbon that meant so much to each of them. It was quite a sight to see all 500 of those older vets marching in with as much swagger as could be managed with the age most of them were carrying (65-75). Some were in wheelchairs and some were gone, but represented by their spouses. They marched to the airfield from an assembly point near their officers club, stood in the hot Brazilian sunshine during the entire ceremony, and marched back in perfect formation. Brazilians sing when they march and it brought tears to my eyes when these old soldiers swept by proud and singing in full volume. It was a sight to behold and one of my fondest memories of my time in that great nation and its Air Force.

Mike 1, thanks for a fine piece of work here. Good on you!

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The Swiss wing markings are over-riding every other skin I have attempted to try on the Mirage Works F-5E. I have even removed the Swiss folder from the F-5E directory (WoE) and I still get the wing markings for the Swiss (using the FAB skin). Any suggestions?

Edited by Jug

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Try editing your data.ini under nation name.... and double check your skin folders are setup correctly.

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Try editing your data.ini under nation name.... and double check your skin folders are setup correctly.


That fixed the issue. In the F-5E_data.ini, the second line is Nation=Swiss, by changing it to Nation=Brazil, the markings are as they should be. Thank you for the hint, Sidewinder86!

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