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Campaign Tutorial Question

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In the campaign tutorial in the knowledge base, iniside the ground unit info, it says "BaseArea=Riqdur - Area the unit starts the campaign in." What can be used as a base area? can it be defined as any air base or a target in the terrain_targets.ini? Also, in the strategic nodes, what can be used as an area for the battle or what can be used as the target. Specifically, what I'm trying to do is add ground units to a campaign for DRV that doesn't have any ground units, so I want to know where I can put the units and the battles. Thanks for replies in advance! :smile:

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(Is there a way to move this topic to the campaign and mission building forum?)

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(Is there a way to move this topic to the campaign and mission building forum?)



After playing around a liitle bit with the stock SFP1 campaign I got the impression [no guarantees] that the base area for each side is the campaign objective. Lose the base area, lose the campaign. As for strategic nodes, I think they are just interconnecting paths for ground forces to move along. The base point is the grid position of the node, I think the "Target" is just a target area near the node and is used for the brief and debrief. A bit of a guess, but I think you could put what ever you want in that field and it will show up in the Brief/Debrief screens. For your project, an example might be Target=Viet Cong squad, or something like that. Havn't built a campaign from scratch yet, so these are just semi-educated guesses.










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You probably already have this info jtin but just in case you don't.


Scroll down to the bottom and look for Strike fighter notes.


Charles has a bunch of campaign info in it and then some.



Thanks, I looked at that, but it seems like it is the same as the campaign tutorial. I did find interesting stuff in the other sections. Thanks for the link!


Lose the base area, lose the campaign. As for strategic nodes, I think they are just interconnecting paths for ground forces to move along. The base point is the grid position of the node

Do you know what can be used for the base area for the ground unit info and the base point in the strategic nodes? Can I use an airfield (That's what I'm using now) or does it have to be a specific target? I read in the link from Agamemnon that the base area in the top is what the ground units have to capture in order to win the campaign, so probally, the last strategic node has to be that base area, but I don't know what else I can use (I'm using Gepard's campaign from DRV v1.3 as my basis and for NVietnam, it says that the base area is Hanoi). Also, do you know if the ground units automatically appear on the planning map if they exist? I made an aircraft unit specifically for CAS and recon missions, but all it's doing is recon.

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I just realized something! The ground objects could be working, but I might be dying early (because of all the SAMs and Flak) enough in the campaign that the tanks and infantry can't have time to target each other. :slow(en): I'll have to fly VPAF. If you have two ground units and they start on the same day, is there a delay before they battle each other?

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Thanks, I looked at that, but it seems like it is the same as the campaign tutorial. I did find interesting stuff in the other sections. Thanks for the link!

Do you know what can be used for the base area for the ground unit info and the base point in the strategic nodes? Can I use an airfield (That's what I'm using now) or does it have to be a specific target? I read in the link from Agamemnon that the base area in the top is what the ground units have to capture in order to win the campaign, so probally, the last strategic node has to be that base area, but I don't know what else I can use (I'm using Gepard's campaign from DRV v1.3 as my basis and for NVietnam, it says that the base area is Hanoi). Also, do you know if the ground units automatically appear on the planning map if they exist? I made an aircraft unit specifically for CAS and recon missions, but all it's doing is recon.



More speculation, but I think any Strategic Node can be used as a base area and you can call it what ever you want. I don't think the last strategic node listed has to be the Base Area, I suspect any of them could be used. As far as I know, ground units are assigned their start positions in the campaign data.ini. Example:




UnitName=4th Paran Tank Div



BaseArea=Jarimin ---Start point for this unit is the Strategic Node named Jarimin.










CAS missions probably won't be generated until the actual start of ground attacks, which is based on start dates, supply levels, and other data fields that are contained at the start of the campaign data.ini. A lot of speculation here, no guarantees. Since SP-4, the movement of ground units in a campaign seems much more interesting. Stronger units moving to the frontline to replace units weakened from battle, interesting encirclement maneuvers, and probably more effective Soviet equipment. I think you will be doing a lot of experimenting and testing! Regards.

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More speculation, but I think any Strategic Node can be used as a base area and you can call it what ever you want. I don't think the last strategic node listed has to be the Base Area, I suspect any of them could be used. As far as I know, ground units are assigned their start positions in the campaign data.ini. Example:

So far, the only base area I've had working is an NVA squad based in the Vietcong Training Camp. Therefore, I don't think that airbases are legimate base areas. I've been using the base areas as the strategic nodes, and on a mission, I saw the NVA squad attacking an airbase with no opposition! :ohmy: I think now my biggest challenge is to find places to base the US forces because there aren't many friendly force controled target areas on the map besides airfields. I think you're right, I will be doing a lot of experienting and testing! Thanks for your help! :good:


EDIT- crossout

Edited by jtin

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I am so stupid! Forget that idea about the airfields not being legimate base areas for the ground units. I had the US forces marked as the enemy! There wasn't any other side to fight! :slow(en): I'll need some perfecting, I'll change the storyline to make it more historical, and I might upload the campaign. (It's only a revision of Gepard's campaign for DRV included in v1.3)

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