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Deutschland Terrain Help

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Do you guys know what to do with this kind of problem..... :slow(en):

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does it normalize when u fly over it or does it just stays a gap?


if not its actually something thats missing in the map.


btw convert the image to jpg next time.

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i gets stuck when i fil over rivers,and some airfield and cities...

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:clapping: The tricky thing is that some folks not read the readme files. In the read me i stated, that some solutions for troubleshooting can be find in a second readme which is placed in a subfolder that is called: "special".

In the subfolder "special" you find also files which can help you, especially for the strange blue ribbon problem.


To simplyfy the answer i copy the lines of the troubleshooting readme below. For the blue ribbon problem see asterix 2.


And by the way, an 2MB picture is a little bit big for demonstrating a problem. :no:







This folder contains subfolders with solutions for troubleshooting.






*If you has no runways on WOV you should copy all files from this Wings over Vietnam folder to your Wings over Vietnam folder.




* If you have problems with a strange looking blue ribbon you should open Flight folder and copy Flightengine.ini in your StrikeFighters/Flight folder.




If you have already manipulated your Flightengine.ini you can also change the entries as follows:



1. open the file

2. scroll down to the SceneClip section and overwrite the existing lines with:














3. Scroll down to [WorldSettings]


4. Change the value at Border=80000 to






*If you get CTD after loading screen you should copy the objectslist.ini from objects folder into your StrikeFighters/objects folder




If you have already manipulated your Objectslist.ini you can also change the [ObjectGroup009] entries as follows:








Edited by Gepard

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