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Don ULFonso

Left-handed HOTAS system

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If only real F-16s had a left-handed conversion :lol:

I am sure there are some real fighter pilots that adapt to flying right handed despite being left-handed. Wouldn't it be nice if the side panels were modular plug-in units whose side could be swapped? Given that everything is fly-by-wire now, they could even use a plug-n-play USB 2.0 interface :wink:


With all the attention that has been given to ensuring equal access/opportunities based on sex, race, and disabilities, why not show a little more support for leftys? Your mod is way cool. It is a shame that the companies making these kinds of things are not so considerate.

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It's not my mod, it's that of another CH-user who goes by the nick of "snomhf" over at the CH Hangar. I just considered his dedicated project worth a link so that the word may be spread.

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And actually, according to him, CH supported him 100% on this. I'm not a lefty, but I kind of wish I was: I might've been able to convince my parents to get me one since no one else makes them. :crazy:

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