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I installed a F-5 aircraft addon "F-5eROK" and others also, and when I select that aircraft and go to the loadout screen there is no weapons on the loadout pad available to select, only the guns work.


can you help?

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If you have the latest weapons pack installed, look in the .pdf that accompanies it. Make sure the attachment points in the data ini match the nationality of the aircraft. If they don't the weapons won't show.

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  Heck said:
If you have the latest weapons pack installed, look in the .pdf that accompanies it. Make sure the attachment points in the data ini match the nationality of the aircraft. If they don't the weapons won't show.



Ok I have installed the latest Weapons Pack and checked the xxxx_data.ini and compared it to the listing in the Weapons Pack PDF manual and they match but when I go to the single mission and click the "Loadout" button their are still no available loadout weapons to choose from....


I'm also a little confused on what to copy and paste in the xxxx_LOADOUT.ini file using the instructions doc from:





7. The xxxx_loadout.ini file is easier. Replace the entire file with the text provided here, save, and exit.


That’s all there is to it.


what text do I copy and paste???

Edited by Mudd_SWMC

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  Mudd_SWMC said:
Ok I have installed the latest Weapons Pack and checked the xxxx_data.ini and compared it to the listing in the Weapons Pack PDF manual and they match but when I go to the single mission and click the "Loadout" button their are still no available loadout weapons to choose from....


I'm also a little confused on what to copy and paste in the xxxx_LOADOUT.ini file using the instructions doc from:





7. The xxxx_loadout.ini file is easier. Replace the entire file with the text provided here, save, and exit.


That’s all there is to it.


what text do I copy and paste???


Hello Mudd.

In the naigation box, click on Aircraft Data.

It will bring you here : http://bunyap2w1.com/SFP1_Wiki/index.php?title=Aircraft_Data

Then go down the list and select the F5 you wish.

At the next screen, select wether F5 data.ini or F5 loadout.ini

Copy and paste what you need.




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