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I have been watching and waiting for this sim(Love this era of avaiation),and I've been reading alot of different forums so I want to ask you guys here as this seems to be one of the better boards.

I've been reading that I should wait on some boards and others say go ahead and get it and have fun.I have just about every flight sim around and I've been involved some of of the really great games and some of the not so great and some of the getting better everyday games(SDOE and Falcon 4). So what's yalls advice? Go ahead and get SF or wait? I've pretty much told myself to go ahead and get the sim..hey I stuck with SDOE!! so I'm not new to waiting on add-ons and patches to fix small problems.I'm currently playing Silent Hunter 2 and had to wait for another game to be released before the multiplayer was released and even now we're working on replacing the MP engine with a newer,more stable one.

Whats yalls opinion..should go ahead and jump in?

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Hey Dagger, I have been waiting for this one for awhile since I'm a big fan of a/c's from that era. I went out and bought it (pre-ordered it last month) and installed it yesterday. The first time in I didn't like it to much, I'm a BIG IL-2 fan and have been flying that since it came out so I have been comparing it to IL-2, i.e graphics, response, settings. Last night I went in again a really got down to setting up my graphics to really make it run smooth without killing the quailty and man what a difference! I was hooked. I know that with new sims it will take patches and feedback from the users but I think its great fun now! Got my fist online kill last night with my A-4E and a sweet growl off a sidewinder :) . On a side note, my trackIR system works great with it.


My $0.02 worth



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Short answer... Get it! :) But don't expect things to be perfect right now. Honestly, there are a lot of issues that need to be dealt with (as you will read in the upcoming review) but I have faith they will be worked out. How many developers jump into the forums and answer questions about bugs the day it's released? :lol:

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Thanks I'd pretty much already made my mind up to get it..like I said I've been doing this for awhile so I know nothing is perfect out of thte box..and I even stuck with SDOE.. :D

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