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Add a Country/squadron

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Anyone know how to add a country & or a squadron?


For example in the game the country Djbouti isnt (obviously) in there. How would i make it happen?


For the squadrons lets say that the 555th triple nickle in Aviano didnt exist (eventhough it does) how would i add it?

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Anyone know how to add a country & or a squadron?


For example in the game the country Djbouti isnt (obviously) in there. How would i make it happen?


For the squadrons lets say that the 555th triple nickle in Aviano didnt exist (eventhough it does) how would i add it?


Open the squadronlist.ini in your pilot folder to add the squadron. In the nations.ini you can add any country. In both just put that as the next number in line. You will see when you open them they are numbered. Just go from there.

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Actually i dont have either of these files.


I am running WOE standalone for now.. i have SF gold coming.


Do i need to extract them from anther file? if so which file an what utlity do i use?

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The files are in Flightdata.cat if memory serves, you need the 'sfp1e' extract utility available from Checksix (http://www.checksix-fr.com/). Many of the larger campaign mods also have those files, often modified, it's a cinch to get them that way and add to or create your own.

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The files are in Flightdata.cat if memory serves, you need the 'sfp1e' extract utility available from Checksix (http://www.checksix-fr.com/). Many of the larger campaign mods also have those files, often modified, it's a cinch to get them that way and add to or create your own.


A ha... this explains the problem..


Thanks guys

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