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57th FIS F-15C

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good job, :clapping:

but please upload the winter terrain here till we could use it too.

next, is there any body here know that where can I download the newest & Most fresh terreain of WOE or WOV or WOI or Strike fighter ?

& want a link that all family of su-27 mean that su-30 &.... be there to download.

thank you Mr.Fox :good::ok:

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The terrain is the Danger Bearing Straight Terrain. It is not mine to upload. Marfighters has an Su-27 just CLICK HERE!.


Look in the terrain section of the download here at Combatace for terrains. Hope this helps.

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Isn't this the unit that would have been ASAT carriers? I'm being serious...I'm not sure.



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Isn't this the unit that would have been ASAT carriers? I'm being serious...I'm not sure.




One of 2 yes. The other was going to be the 318th at McCord IIRC.

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The terrain is the Danger Bearing Straight Terrain. It is not mine to upload. Marfighters has an Su-27 just CLICK HERE!.


Look in the terrain section of the download here at Combatace for terrains. Hope this helps.



thank you ,But I have Su-27

I want Su-30 till Su-37 .

there is desert terrain But I want Winter terrain .

Don't you fell lack of High resolution Winter terrain ?

I didn't mean that a terrain with mountain which contain Snow, NO, I mean the terrain of some where as Belarus Where there is hard winter or America in Snowy Winter in fact in stead of rain, have snow.

& Imagine that how good the campaign of this terrain could be?!!!!!

I know all of you try hard here to make new terrains & skins & .... to support us, thank you for your trying, Thanks :blush: .

But I offer that make more terrain.

Make terrain of many country & do not limit your work to Israel terrain & Vietnam & Germany & Madagascar &...., Please Make terrain for Other country .As Iran & Canada & Swiss & Belg & Netherlands & Iraq & Balkan Zone(Kozovo & Yugoslavia & Serbia & ...) .

Thank you & Excuse me If I bother you ,Mr.Fox :blush::give_rose:

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Some of that is in the works so stay tuned.

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I spent a year in Iceland on those F-15's what would be nice is if anyone could do the conformal fuels tanks. We were the only

F-15C's that had them. They are basically the same as the E-Model conformals but no bomb racks. We were also the last active duty Fighter Interceptor Squadron. The base was terrible though, down wind from a fish factory. Nothing like the smel of burning JP-5 and and rotting fish guts.....yum....not. Very nice skin though!!!

Edited by lancer83

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