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Guided needed - New Airplane scratch built

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Is there a complete guide that explains everything in detail for going from a 3D model (broken down into proper parts-naming) to a working flying airplane in SFP1?


I really need a guide like this so I can start working some ideas. I do have all the video tutorials already, but if anyone can point me to a complete one I'd really appreciate it.



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There's no guide anywhere (yet)?

I'm just curious how you guys who have built new add-on planes learned how to do it. I can do 3D modeling, it's just getting it all into the game the right way that has me stumped.



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I dont know much about it myself, but have you looked on Strike Fighters Skunkworks? They have a few guides on how to do stuff with the sim over there, but not sure which guides exactly. Check it out here -





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Thanks for the tips and I know all sims are similar, but I need specifics for getting models into SFP1. Each sim has it's own way of doing this, converting/importing files, alignment of parts, etc, so what works for IL-2 most likely won't be the same in this sim.


That Skunkworks site is a good place to start, so thanks for that.

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