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Hi everyone, just wondering if anyone knows how to add ships, like frigates and destroyers to the campaigns at all?

Or the whereabouts of some thread on the subject.


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Yes i have tried both of those but no help there. I need to find out what to place in the campaign.ini's to make them appear. Is it a [groundobjectXXX], or [navalobjectXXX], how do you place it next to the carriers and so forth.

If anyone has info, please share.


Edited by gillg

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Well i have added the Spruance and the OHPerry alongside the carrier in the modified '60's burning sands campaign, by adding this to the desert target. ini file, which i got from gramps's aussie carrier campaign for WOV. Im just using it for SFG:



Name=Alpha Station




















And this to the target types.ini file:




FullName=USS Spruance

















FullName=FFG-1 OH Perry















But unfortunately they dont move with the carrier and the come up as enemy targets and are firing at the carrier!

Step 1 done, now does anyone know what to do next?

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Did it!

The boats are now friendly, (although you can not target them) and are not firing on the carrier. I moved the position of Alpha station from 700000,700000 back a bit to 650000,700000 and that did it. That must have been in enemy territory. Now all i need to do is make them move with the carrier.

I have checked the TK site and got some answers there but no one got around to answering the moving question.

Can this be done?

cheers all

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Did it!

The boats are now friendly, (although you can not target them) and are not firing on the carrier. I moved the position of Alpha station from 700000,700000 back a bit to 650000,700000 and that did it. That must have been in enemy territory. Now all i need to do is make them move with the carrier.

I have checked the TK site and got some answers there but no one got around to answering the moving question.

Can this be done?

cheers all




It's pretty easy. Just make sure that they're listed as carriers so they point into the wind during launch. They may not do so during recovery, however, unless you have them recovering helos at the same time you're landing.

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It's pretty easy. Just make sure that they're listed as carriers so they point into the wind during launch. They may not do so during recovery, however, unless you have them recovering helos at the same time you're landing.


Where did you declare the escort ships as carriers ?

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Where did you declare the escort ships as carriers ?




I am at work and obviously cannot access my game data. There is a line in both single missions and campaigns that should read something to the effect of "ObjectIsCarrier=TRUE".

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I am at work and obviously cannot access my game data. There is a line in both single missions and campaigns that should read something to the effect of "ObjectIsCarrier=TRUE".

Thank's Fubar512.


I'll wait your return for the details.

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Thank's Fubar512.


I'll wait your return for the details.


The necessary lines for escorts to move with their carriers (at least during the launch phase) are:



Both these lines must be placed under the unit itself ( SumnerFram2, OHPerry, DD571, etc.) in either the individual mission file or in the campaign file

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I'm sorry but i don't undrestand.


The two entries must be placed in wich file ?


Targettype.ini from the terrain floder, xxx_data.ini from the boat itself , or other ?


I make some tests but no one work.


Can you post an example of the file ?





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I'm sorry but i don't undrestand.


The two entries must be placed in wich file ?


Targettype.ini from the terrain floder, xxx_data.ini from the boat itself , or other ?


I make some tests but no one work.


Can you post an example of the file ?










Again, those lines must be entered under the unit's entry in either the single mission or campaign.

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Yeah, thanks for the info fubar, i am going to try this all tonite when i get home.



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Well, i must be :crazy: but i don't have entry for the ships in the campaign_data.ini


I have only an entry for the carrier : [CarrierUnit001]


The escort ships are declared in the terrain targettype.ini and the formation is set in the terrain_target.ini


Like that the ships show up in the campaign but they are heading in a different direction of the carrier, and they are not moving.


So i'm a little confuse :dntknw:


If i understand your post i have to make an entry for each escort vessel in the campaign_data.ini and add the two lines.


How can i do that.


Did have i to create an entry named [GroundUnitxxx] or [NavalUnitxxx] ?


And did i have to fix the BaseArea= entry to "carrier Station" ?


Sorryagain to bother you with that but i realy like to see a full task force in campaign.



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Your video is fantastic !!


But i simply don't understand how to do , i'm probably to :slow(en):


I realy need a step by step tutorial !!!



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It's ok JAT, i am not getting it to work either. This is the entry i have in the Campaigndata.ini









BaseArea=Alpha Station











Is this right and will it work for SFG?

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Just to sum it up:


- I have to edit the campaign_data.ini file and add the escorts in the carrier section.


- They have to be declared as carriers as per your instruction


- Then they should appear in campaign generated missions and sail along the carrier.


- The escorts don't have to be declared as groundtargets in the targets. ini with a according entry into targettypes.ini.


If this works as advertised it should be added into the knowledge base ASAP.



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Did you get it to work Tannethal?


'cause i didn't. I have just got the escorts and carrier sitting in the ocean, not moving.

Does anybody know if this can be done in SFG?


We have seen that it works in WoV, so why not SFG?

Answers anyone?

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Hi gillig,


I tried to add destroyers as "carriers"! in the campaign data file but that didn't work. they won't show up.


Second try was adding them as groundunits into the campaign data file but that didn't work either. They weren't shown on the planning map and neither were there in the mission. I had added a single strategic node to the Yankee Station but that doesn't do it.

I will have a look into Operation tainted cigar campaign files, as there were ships as groundunits present.


For the other variant aka placing them via terrain_targets.ini:


Killerbee worked this idea in a thread over at www.column5.us


He got them to move if the carrier was set as basesize=small in it's data file. And the ships would only join up and speed along when they had set a datalink=true in their data.ini


However this is just from memory and if i'm not mistaken was pre SP4 testing. Since the last post in the thread was of 2005.



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Guest IndioBlack
Did you get it to work Tannethal?


'cause i didn't. I have just got the escorts and carrier sitting in the ocean, not moving.

Does anybody know if this can be done in SFG?


We have seen that it works in WoV, so why not SFG?

Answers anyone?


I got some carriers and escorts to work in SFG. They were all moving, because I used one of the escorts as a sighting point for finding the carrier, and it was always in the right spot in relation to the carrier.

The only slight oddity was that if you did a bit of sightseeing, and caused the mission to last extra long, the Carrier had sometimes turned 180 degrees by the time you came in to land, whereas the escorts hadn't.


These were just single missions, not campaigns. So presumably there is some difference between the two if you an't get it to work in campaigns.

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Well i have tried nearly everything listed in this thread. And a month later, its still not working.

If anyone has this working for SFG, please, PLEASE, share with me the secret.

Thanks in advance, Jase

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Every campaign that I have set up does the same thing. The carrier is programmed to move about. Probably gives them something to do, while you are away. The escorts, on the other hand, feel that they can protect the carrier better if they stay very still.


Scrapper :no:

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Well I am not gonna let this die that easily.


I just checked this very topic over at C5 and it got to the point where some interesting comments and findings were made but no conclusion was reached.


Killerbee did get pretty far along with Fubar in the Virtual Navy forum, under Carrier Task Forces in Campaigns. But he finished up his work a year and a half ago with no answers.


Now, I, along with almost everybody else here would love to see this. I now own WoE and have been doing all that is mentioned in that topic. I am no modder, and almost everything there makes no sense to me, but i am trying all sorts of things to get it done.


Fubar replied to this thread saying it could be done but didn't verify that it is possible in the campaigns.


My guess is no, but i would love to be proven wrong. Has anyone anywhere made any headway with this?


If your interested check out the C5 site. I can't provide a link because you need to be a member.

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Yeah :dntknw:


I, too, was making attempts to put carrier battle groups in the campaigns for my mods.....


unfortunately, it didn't work :sorry:


I wish we could speak to TK directly about this.... :dntknw:

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