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Israel 2 terrain update from version 2.0 to version 2.1

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Israel 2 terrain update from version 2.0 to version 2.1

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Version 2.1


* problem of white squares of missing tiles is solved. Some computers in certain regions of the world were unable to understand the german umlaut Ü. Names of terraintiles are thatswhy changed.


* added a new version of Polaks great Pyramids and also placed 2 new big Temples on the map. Thanks for it Polak! You find them some kilometers north west of egyptian base Beni Suef.


* added an additional Oilfield on the Sinai


* added 36 new empty targetareas on the Sinai to support Campaignbuilders who can use this points as waypoints for a dynamic campaign


* included a folder English. In this folder you will find 2 files with translated targetnames. If you want to change the german terms into english ones, then copy this files into your Israel 2 folder. (I hope my translations are correct.)


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Very, very good news Gepard!


This has always been one of my personal favorite terrains. The 5 pane shot shows very cool improvements.


Since you are still in networked SAM mode, may I make a suggestion for improvement over the prior editions?

Please decrease the number. Here is a shot from near the Suez shortly after SP4 came out;




YOWCH! Networking these rascals meant bye-bye wingmen, and a severe pucker factor for me!


Keep up the great work!

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Kind of looks like if they want to shot down a freaking Sealth Fighter or some thing , If that was me i will go in to burner and start diving and leveling up to get Eels off me hovercraft!!!

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The SAM fence along the Suez canal will be completly new designed. It will be deeper and will not have such a big concentration of launchers in the first line.

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I can't wait to add it to my already huge collection.


Definately one of the crown jewels...



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I think i will release it before X-mas.

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Outstanding terrain, this is a must download.


I flew just some sightseeing missions and found new airbases, oasis and some burning MIG´s. :D


Thank you Gepard for your contribution.




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