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Only one Map/Region avaliable?

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I just bought First Eagles and love it so far but I noticed when you create a new Mission that you can only choose from one map (Verdun) which is the only map/region in the game? Was or is there going to be any more maps in the future besides one map?

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They announced that next games in this series will add more regions and planes. Modding experts might add something too ;)

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v. Deutschmark :cool:

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Thinking back to Red Baron, I was disappointed to find only a small portion of the Western Front. I suppose with the open architecture, it at least offers the possibility of things Red Baron never covered, such as the Italian Front, or parts of the Eastern Front. One lives in hope!

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terrain building is time consuming. Be a little bit patient. There will come something.

At the moment i'm not sure wheter i will find the time for a WW1 mod of my BoB terrain. But i think it could happen.

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