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"Cannons?" A manual to making SPAD XII Ca. :)

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Well the cannon has not that much firepower. You generally have to get closer because you can't spray some bullets to see if any of them hit. And this gives gunners quite good chances of taking the player down. I took me quite a long time to learn to kill Gothas without dying in the first seconds...


When both cannon and MG were set up as primary weapon AI used neither well. Now It's at least using the machine gun. Guess, we'll have to wait until the patch comes to see what can be done about it...

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Ok true with the fact that it needs to reload after each shot then the AI wount be able to use it and it wount make a significant increase in the performance of player planes.


Another thing though.


For the sake of your own aim DO NOT use the tracers to guid the shots to the target. The best thing you can do for your aim is to not use tracers.


In FE its quite a pain to turn of the tracers since you need to mod the ini files. But it is well worth it inorder for your aim to improve. It will suck for first day or so but then you will see it rapidly becoming uber as you learn to aim proactivly instead of reactivly.


In the game I play the most Aces High there is a huuuuge difference in aiming skill between pilots who fly with and without tracers.


The most common miss concept is that "Ive got a bad aim so I cant turn of tracers" its exactly the oposite "ive got a bad aim so I do need to turn of tracers".


Back to subject. If you use the MGs the same way as you have learned to use the Cannon you will se that your aim improves greatly and that after a while you will be hitting alot of different shots at a veriaty of distances.


For example in FE I know which part of the enemy plane will fall of just as I squeze the trigger. I know he will loose his tail when I take the shot because I know that its what I got in my sights.



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I don't use tracers that much. I just shoot when the target fills my sight. Close and personal :good:

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Guest IndioBlack
I don't use tracers that much. I just shoot when the target fills my sight. Close and personal :good:


I use tracers. I read that this is what Pilots did - light gun for finding the target, heavy gun for killing.

It must work, because I got 15 kills in one mission, without running out of ammo, and I'm not very good.

It's a shame the AI don't shoot a little more tracer.

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