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Some odd questions

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Hello all


thinking of buying FE, well the answer is not if but when :rolleyes:

most my questions has been answered reading this forum.

but i have some more.

How is the campiagn, what is the different missions, do a go alone sometimes ect.??

can my pilot be wounded in a dogfight??

what will happened to the pilot if you force land in no mans land or behind enemy land.

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In campaign or single missions you have a choice of pilots(and their planes and loadout) to go with you on a mission. You can go alone or with up to 15 wingmen.


Pilot can be wounded, I suppose, though it won't show. You will notice wen you get killed :biggrin: but there's no 'screen going red' thing if you are wounded. If the plane gets badly damaged you might be as well considered dead, despite for example having successfully landed with one wing.


I have landed behind enemy lines on several occasions but always returned home and was never declared POW. However, some pilots from my squadron got captured in the campaign.

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wow thanx for a fast reply.

intesting that you can choose how many planes you can have in a flight.

is there any mod out that animates the you hit the enemy pilot so he,s slumped over, or does he just disepear.

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Pilot wound mod would be nice, but I haven't heard of any yet :dntknw: Maybe we'll wait for it to come in one of the future patches :grin:

Edited by Gr.Viper

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