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Attn Aircraft Modelers...

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For all the modelers out there, can we avoid re-inventing the wheel by creating a central location where we can share Max files such as instruments, joystick/throttle models, various cockpit shapes like ejection seats, panels, etc, to speed up the process of getting complete airplanes and cockpits released?


Just an idea, I'm not sure if something like this exists already. But it sure would be nice to go to a site and download whatever instruments your cockpit needs, get them, and "plug them in" to your model.


Because I'm enjoying SFP1 so much, I plan on making several planes in the coming weeks and would be happy to donate Max parts out of them that can easily be used in other aircraft, along the lines of instruments, etc.



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A Strike Fighters "Super Team" or what not..


that idea was on SimHQ around the time of the First 3rd Party INI release.


Then It just Kept Getting Forgotten.


We Need Someone to Step Up and MAKE AN Webpage which Gives registered Modders A Username Password to upload to a server.. then the Changes will all be added to one INI (well 1 INI for each Thing insteda of this 5 WEAPONSDATA.iNI crap we got now)


then Say every two Weeks we Release the Final INI with a Readme that describes what eahc modder Contributed.


I Knew When Making the P-51D INI set that Most People already had a Prop Loop for the A-1 so I MAde a Different One with the new Soundlist.ini so you could have to Different Sounds.

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It wouldn't be a team at all and this post isn't about INI files. Just parts for building new planes. A parts store kinda thing. I think it could go over really well. No one is being asked to keep track of anything, just upload parts to a site. Upload to the instruments folder, misc cockpit folder, external parts (like wheels tires), etc. It would be fantastic to have. Max files ready to be imported into any new airplane project.


Majorlee (who replied to this on SimHQ) already has come forward offering webspace.

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We Need Someone to Step Up and MAKE AN Webpage which Gives registered Modders A Username Password to upload to a server.. then the Changes will all be added to one INI (well 1 INI for each Thing insteda of this 5 WEAPONSDATA.iNI crap we got now)


then Say every two Weeks we Release the Final INI with a Readme that describes what eahc modder Contributed.


(in my best Burns voice) Excellent... 8)


That is an great idea, and could be easily implemented here in the forums. I could create a seperate forum that was strictly for centralized .INI files, and the modders could be set as moderators of the forum and could edit as needed. What do you guys think?

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Sounds good for INI files.


What about my idea though, do you guys like it? It would make things go so much smoother for new models.

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Guest Sony Tuckson

As said already, that was the idea behind Skunkworks..


but...we really need someone to "be in charge" and take care of this ..


Hawker, I think your sharing idea is real good.


Ejection seats from the Martin Baker company were really common value during this period, so some seats could be used on different aircraft types, differences between model seats being really minor (visaully that is)

Some instruments could also be re-used....

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