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Newbie request TRAINING CAMPAIGN? for WOE

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New to game - would like to see a simple training campaign with

missions like.

Fly to close waypoint have lots of targets to shoot at or bomb with no opposition return to base




Thanks for the tips - exactly what I was Looking for for other newbies heres the stuff

Target Range


Weapons Pack (must have to use target range)


Weapon delivery Manual



A do a single mission

B choose range location

C tinker with waypoings in mission plan

D fly away and fire away


thanks to those who built these great mods

Edited by Bluzman

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It's worth digging out the Target Range terrain from the downloads section, lets you practice all that without people shooting back. If you download one of the mission editors as well you can come up with your own training package.

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The Target Range doesn't have any enemy ai but you still get a wingman to order.


It's great, looks just like a target range with an airport an various ground objects.


There is also a tutorial in general knowledge on how to use the radar.


smihq have a tute on bombing techniques, written by 2 flyboys.

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Thanks for the tips - exactly what I was Looking for

for other newbies heres the stuff


Target Range



Weapons Pack (must have to use target range)



Weapon delivery Manual



A do a single mission

B choose range location

C tinker with waypoings in mission plan

D fly away and fire away


thanks to those who built these great mods

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