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"What If..." Vampire F Mk.III

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"What If..." Vampire F Mk.III

For the "What If..." world of SWOTL2 WW2:1946

Mod of Pasko's Vampire FB 5 into an earlier F.3 version, had an improved version been rushed into production. A semi-complete aircraft mod, it contains nearly everything needed to fly.

NOTE: there are NO lod files in this package -- you will be transfering them from the Vamp 5. I do not feel it is correct to include the aircraft model.

This package contains all the inis, skin, decals and a new cockpit based off of Kesselbrut's Spitfire. Several of the gauges have been relabeled for jet usage. While not 100% accurate, it is a 'closest, best fit' for the bird. New damage tgas are also included.


PLEASE READ THE ENCLOSED README FOR FULL, DETAILED INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS!!! You also must have the latest WepPak installed for the WW2 era weapons.


With thanks to all involved!



Kevin Stein


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