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Need SAM trail effect.

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Hi my "LargeSAMTrailEffect" in the weaponspack doesn`t work right I see only one smoke cloud per 200m and it`s damn hard to spot this "invisible missile" Where can I find a proper effect to have a good dpotable SAM?


Everytime a SM battery shot me down, I never saw a missile or a trail only the message "SAM launched and the boostereffect on the ground" but nothing more...



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Hi my "LargeSAMTrailEffect" in the weaponspack doesn`t work right I see only one smoke cloud per 200m and it`s damn hard to spot this "invisible missile" Where can I find a proper effect to have a good dpotable SAM?


Everytime a SM battery shot me down, I never saw a missile or a trail only the message "SAM launched and the boostereffect on the ground" but nothing more...




I don't know about a specific SAM trail effect (you could check in the downloads/effects section), but there is a useful speech mod that has the speaker call out the number of whom ever is targeted. I can now disregard the slew of extraneous warnings, and respond when I hear my number called out. It's increased my survival rate. The speech mod can be found here:



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Now I know why I haven't used it.


It is a complete replacement of the particlesystem.ini.


I have many alterations in my ini - personal edits and from another mod.


Does anyone know which sections of the ini that this mod changes. So I can just copy it/them over.

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