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community mod project.....

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Ok I asked at Thirdwire if anybody would be interested in doing a community project.So If anyone would like to work with it post here..the rules are simple1)If you ask a modder if they want to help and they say no..NO flaming or negative remarks,just move on to next modder 2)all work must be origional,All work will be checked.This will be a great chance for some great work to be done,so make your models and add-ons 3)it will be free and it will be fun 4)ask any modder you want,but like I say if they say no then thats it..

so thats the rules..and the challenge.Make a community based mod and work together or don't complain.

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Yes I totally agree the modders and skinners do a fantastic job and I have nothing but good things to say in my short time with CombatACE. Everyone has been most helpful, I can't believe how good you guys are at even considering requests let alone doing them. JFM has done a whole series of Jasta 13 planes after a posted a tentative post after only being a member a few days!!


Once again thanks again for making newbie feel most welcome and be thankful we have these guys!!!




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I just got home and went straight to the computer to post the following....


"FE Great war 1917 who wants to help build it".


What I was thinkin is making a pack of 1917 stuff... planes, skins, campaings, single missions, ect ect....



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I just got home and went straight to the computer to post the following....


"FE Great war 1917 who wants to help build it".


What I was thinkin is making a pack of 1917 stuff... planes, skins, campaings, single missions, ect ect....




I`d like to participate, but I have no experience in exporting, my biggest projects so far has been MG`s.

And even one of the MG`s I gave to EmlD which edited it, so my 3d modeling has it`s flaws.

I would like to try and make planes however. But it entirely depends if you guys can hold out with me because of my backround.


If I do however, get a second chance, I`d be most grateful, because I want to give something back.


It`s ur call.





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Hey Hammer,



....keep in touch, i count with you...



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Yes EmlD, you got me thinking there. I have to help you with the N24 B first,

Then, if TM allows me, I`ll jump in on his mod.





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Well without 3d max I can't do any modeling but, I am up for the skins and such. I have the one summer enhanced terrain pack that I am touching up, There was a post today of another modder that has a hi res terrain (thats real nice) and I am getting very close on the winter terrain pack as well and I will throw all of my stuff up as available if needed.


I am doing skins constantly for my own campaigns im working at. I dont have any problems I know of with any of the mod'erz that have done planes so Im sure I can get permission to skin for this project from who ever.


Let me know what we need.


What I need some help on is more links to pics of WWI planes so I can not only get what was there but, have a good idea of what to use on some extras so it doesnt get too repetitive.


Feel free to send me a msg if you need help on this that I can provide. :rolleyes:

Edited by Firecage

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well it looks like IF you want theres several planes,terrains,skins,and possibly missions yall have already done.so the start is already there.

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