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hey guys im just wondering where u all got the Talon aircraft from cause i just cant find it anywhere so can sum1 help mi PLZ

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This is the developer's site for the switchblade Beta 2.0



Just remember not to fly it with the burners on for too long, or you'll overheat and explode!


hey thanks for telling me where the aircraft was

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This is the developer's site for the switchblade Beta 2.0



Just remember not to fly it with the burners on for too long, or you'll overheat and explode!




talon engine explodes when O.H.?

didnt know that.

i just downloaded it few hours ago,

still havent flown it yet.(my friend borrowed my laptop 4 a few days)

but i want to know from those who have downloaded and flown the talon aircraft,

it capabilities, dangers, top speed(does it really go mach 5?), stall speed, and other hiccups and complications they have experienced with this aircraft

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talon engine explodes when O.H.?

didn't know that.

i just downloaded it few hours ago,

still haven't flown it yet.(my friend borrowed my laptop 4 a few days)

but i want to know from those who have downloaded and flown the talon aircraft,

it capabilities, dangers, top speed(does it really go Mach 5?), stall speed, and other hiccups and complications they have experienced with this aircraft


Issues: Right now it will catch fire and explode if you exceed 2.2 Mach. It "appears" to some how be a limitation within the game engine as one can hold a high AoA at high altitude with full burner forever and not explode... thus it's a "speed" issue and not a "heat" issue as I previously assumed.


Capabilities: Presently is only configured for A2A and RG_A2G. No iron ordinance is loaded "yet". Extremely manuverable... to a point where you have to slow down to fight or your constantly be fighting red/black outs. Excellent dog-fighter and low alt CAS because of fantastic low-speed maneuverability.


I'm presently working on finishing up on version 3.0


3.0 will include:


-Updated high-level-of-detail model with 4 recursive LOD and a proper shadow LOD.

-Updated / expanded weapon load-out.

-updated HUD

- Complete and functional cockpit.


Stay tuned for more on this release... :biggrin:

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Issues: Right now it will catch fire and explode if you exceed 2.2 Mach. It "appears" to some how be a limitation within the game engine as one can hold a high AoA at high altitude with full burner forever and not explode... thus it's a "speed" issue and not a "heat" issue as I previously assumed.


Capabilities: Presently is only configured for A2A and RG_A2G. No iron ordinance is loaded "yet". Extremely manuverable... to a point where you have to slow down to fight or your constantly be fighting red/black outs. Excellent dog-fighter and low alt CAS because of fantastic low-speed maneuverability.


I'm presently working on finishing up on version 3.0


3.0 will include:


-Updated high-level-of-detail model with 4 recursive LOD and a proper shadow LOD.

-Updated / expanded weapon load-out.

-updated HUD

- Complete and functional cockpit.


Stay tuned for more on this release... :biggrin:



hope you include the ff for the 3.0 Talon...


-realistic pulse detonation engine sounds

-ability to go mach 5+ no blow-ups.(so i can go from WP-1 to WP-4 fast)

-Catherine Biel's helmeted face on the left mfd(arrrrrrr... lol)

-nice betty voice


hope you can make UCAV EDI "Tinman"

even without hud, but with "Tinman"'s voice



good work anyways on the Talon.

i can fight anyone even online with confidence with the talon...

but it all depends not on the crate but on who flies the crate....


"My chances of survivial is now 90%"

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Issues: Right now it will catch fire and explode if you exceed 2.2 Mach. It "appears" to some how be a limitation within the game engine as one can hold a high AoA at high altitude with full burner forever and not explode... thus it's a "speed" issue and not a "heat" issue as I previously assumed.


Capabilities: Presently is only configured for A2A and RG_A2G. No iron ordinance is loaded "yet". Extremely manuverable... to a point where you have to slow down to fight or your constantly be fighting red/black outs. Excellent dog-fighter and low alt CAS because of fantastic low-speed maneuverability.


I'm presently working on finishing up on version 3.0


3.0 will include:


-Updated high-level-of-detail model with 4 recursive LOD and a proper shadow LOD.

-Updated / expanded weapon load-out.

-updated HUD

- Complete and functional cockpit.


Stay tuned for more on this release... :biggrin:





Talon aircraft extremely maneuverable, and unbeliveably stable at high AoA.

Have tried some extremely low speed high AoA, over top(loops)

and successfull against newer MiGs.

Kill rate have been increased to 5x when compared to F-16/15/14.



Engine and airspeed:Talon explodes due to the FF:


>Airspeed: above 1250 Kts


Talon explodes even when not in full burner.

Tried to reach Max speed by climbing to 60k feet and full

burner dive for 15 secs after which, maintained 69% thrust.

Exploded @ 19k feet @ 1298 kts after 95 secs


>Engine full AB time: 45- 60 secs aprox.


Engines exploded @ 34k feet after full Engine AB fo 55 secs.

much shorter if on vertical climb

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hope you include the ff for the 3.0 Talon...


-realistic pulse detonation engine sounds

-ability to go mach 5+ no blow-ups.(so i can go from WP-1 to WP-4 fast)

-Catherine Biel's helmeted face on the left mfd(arrrrrrr... lol)

-nice betty voice


hope you can make UCAV EDI "Tinman"

even without hud, but with "Tinman"'s voice



good work anyways on the Talon.

i can fight anyone even online with confidence with the talon...

but it all depends not on the crate but on who flies the crate....


"My chances of survivial is now 90%"


oopss i meant Jessica biel........

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ROFL!! The plane exploding at high speed would probably be a serious flaw in any real aircraft project!



I picked this up today and it's a great plane to fly. Pitted against a group of F16s it holds its own, but those IR missles are still a problem if they get a firing solution on you. Things get very tense and fun when you are dodging SAMS and other modern jet aircraft even with all your additional speed and maneuverability.


I did explode suddenly, though. I was wondering if it was a SAM that I just hadn't seen or if the RWR had malfunctioned. Now that I read this I guess it was the high speed I was moving at! :)

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Shin, the only problem with being able to accelerate from M1 to M4 quickly (or as quick as they do in the film) is that your bones and organs would be crushed to death under the G strain. You might reach Mach 4 in 30 seconds, but you'd be dead in 15 :tongue:


On the speed issuse, I've had aircraft cruising at Mach 3 after I've used the Alt+N trip skip thingo, but unless I slow down dramatically (and I mean making a vert tight turn to bleed speed, speedbrakes, the works) I'll burn up in under 20 seconds. Although when I trip skip when I RTB, I usually find my aircraft cruising back to base at Mach 2+ without any issues...

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Shin, the only problem with being able to accelerate from M1 to M4 quickly (or as quick as they do in the film) is that your bones and organs would be crushed to death under the G strain. You might reach Mach 4 in 30 seconds, but you'd be dead in 15 :tongue:


On the speed issuse, I've had aircraft cruising at Mach 3 after I've used the Alt+N trip skip thingo, but unless I slow down dramatically (and I mean making a vert tight turn to bleed speed, speedbrakes, the works) I'll burn up in under 20 seconds. Although when I trip skip when I RTB, I usually find my aircraft cruising back to base at Mach 2+ without any issues...


of couse the acceleration would kill me...

but would it in the game?


i trried tweaking the engine thrust of the talon so i can go fast wihtout bureners but got the same thing.....blowin up.......


so its just both..


engine temp and airspeed are the culprits why the F/A-37 talon explodes.....


does anyone know how to disable this high speed explosions?


tried also to tweak the f-16 to reach 1k kts, but blew up @ 980kts....


so it must be also individual settings for each of the A/C, right?


if i knew just what to change to achieve Hypersonic speeds.......



any help would do.... :yes:

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if i knew just what to change to achieve Hypersonic speeds.......

any help would do.... :yes:


Well, aircraft Do break apart at high speed, didn't think that would have been modelled in the Sim though :)


If the F16 breaks apart at different high speed, then this is something that appears to be calculated for each indivdual airframe.

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Well, aircraft Do break apart at high speed, didn't think that would have been modelled in the Sim though :)


If the F16 breaks apart at different high speed, then this is something that appears to be calculated for each indivdual airframe.



Right now I have a couple of FM gurus looking into FM... if that fails... I'm going to have to resort to begging TK to help me figure it out.

Edited by Zurawski

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