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Help with Hard Mode

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I generally fly in hard mode, seems far more satisfying for me, but find some aircraft are jerky/twitchy when rolling... the roll happens very quickly and if I'm flipping from one side to the other quickly I lose control. I know, I know it is hard mode :rolleyes: but ithe rolling does seem, well, twitchy...so I tend to avoid flying those planes, though they are among my favourites from the era.


It only happens to some aircraft - SE5a in the Thirdwire models, Camel from the ATeam and a few others. I know that the Camel FM has been designed for normal mode, but some aircraft like the Bristol and DH2 seem fine in Hard, and I believe Charles helped with the latter FM, and their other planes seem pretty good generally and doing rolls in Hard Mode.


Is it my joystick settings, joystick itself or just me???? I've tried changing things without succes.


Or are there some tips for tweaking the FM.


I am a little familar with the data ini files, so pointing me in the right direction to experiment if necessary is ok. I haven't changed the original data files yet, as it seems quite hard getting it right to fly in Hard - maybe it is all too difficult???


Thanks in advance.

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greetings, peter01. I also prefer flying in hard mode, although I never live long that way.

It is a bit hard for me to completely enjoy most of these aircraft in "Hard". I'd rather put up with their wierdness, than see a cockpit all filled with "help graphics". I try it once in a while, but not for long.


I guess I am hard headed. Most of the new planes have some real weird tendancies in Hard mode, since they are tuned for Normal mode. With the new Nieuport 28 I love the torque in hard mode.


I used the Nieup on normal mode last night. To me it wasn't much fun, I had a long boring flight across front. No torque to speak of, didn't have to fly it much at all , just hit the right speed let go of the stick and she all but flys herself, plus I have to put up with those "helper graphics".


Then there is the BristolM1c. I lose half of my flight , in hard mode, if I don't remember to get a lot of altitude right after take off. I could fly more in Normal mode and not lose them,,, but then again, my cockpit is filled with extra stuff I don't want.


Not really griping mind you, I just like more of the stuff modeled in Hard Mode. The majority ofthe wonderful new planes are tuned for Normal.

Just putting in my 2 cents on the subject.


Edited by jimcarrel

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I can understand why the models FM's are based on "normal" but I agree it is a little annoying for those of us who always like to fly on "hard" for an extra challenge. I hope the "hardliners" will be considered and the strange FM's you get on some planes will be rectified ? As I understand it there's an Aussie FM expert (sorry can't remember his name) lying on a beach somewhere who will be looking into this upon his return. Yes ?

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Agreed, thats a real problem. In normal mod the game isnt challenging and too arcadish...Hope we can get good flight models in hard...

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Some thoughts on "Normal" vs. "Hard" modes and FMs.


jimcarrel: you can fly in "Normal" with the graphics turned off, if that's the only thing keeping you from flying in that mode. I haven't yet turned them off completely, but I did reduce the size of the target marker, pre-patch. Just haven't gotten around to messing with it since. All the data can be turned off, I believe, and I'm sure there's a post around somewhere explaining how it can be done. If not, I'm sure Tailspin or some other more knowledgeable type can explain it.


I fly only offline and usually just operate in Normal, though lately I've been flying missions on "Hard" just because I like the feel of the aircraft more. For me, the biggest problem is one of situational awareness. I don't have Track IR (my birthday is coming up and I've been hinting to the wife . . . . ) so I have to use regular views and the hat switch for panning around. In "Hard" it's almost impossible for me to see other aircraft, especially when I'm above them. Thus, I'd rather have a small target marker, just to aid in that. The "Hard" setting can also be customized via the Options screen, though the choice of settings is less than optimal. Most customization will have to be done with .ini files, I believe.


I spent many years as an air traffic controller and flew, not as a pilot, but in the cockpit in light planes and in the jump seat of everything from a DC-9 to L-1011 and 747. What I can tell you is -- other aircraft are not that difficult to see, for the trained observer. An aircraft at a lower altitude is actually not as difficult to see as one near your own altitude. The eye looks for movement and that is always more pronounced when the oberver and the target aircraft are moving in several dimensions relative to each other. Aircraft on a collision course are hard to spot because there is little relative motion to be seen.


My point is this: because of differing game control devices and the vast differences in our computers, we are all faced with a unique set of circumstances regarding flight models and how we want the game to work. I'd like to fly on "Hard", but have the option of selecting a small target marker, both for SA and navigational purposes (our graphical terrain is damned difficult to navigate over, especially if you're looking for a certain set of ground targets). On the other hand, based on my reading of books like "Hostile Skies", the real terrain near the trenches was also very difficult to navigate over, what with bad weather, etc. Pilots of the era did become very familiar with their sectors though.


As for the aircraft FMs, I think they should be set so that on "Hard" the aircraft behaves in a manner we believe represents the way the original aircraft flew and handled. "Normal" should be an easier to fly setting. The Camel, for instance, ought to exhibit horrendous torque on "Hard" and be somewhat more tractable on "Normal". At least that the way I'd like to see it.


The issue of target markers, FMs, and target lock usage has been around since flight sims began and it's not going away soon. We'll all have to deal with it in our own way. At least, with this sim, I have many options -- I just have to pop the hood and start fiddling.



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Are you guys just using the macro "normal" or "hard" instead of choosing "custom" and doing it all yourself? You can then put everything hard BUT the FM if you choose custom.

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Are you guys just using the macro "normal" or "hard" instead of choosing "custom" and doing it all yourself? You can then put everything hard BUT the FM if you choose custom.


Jedi, I think what the guys are saying is they prefer to use hard FM all the time regardless of other settings so in effect the opposite of what you're saying. Unfortunately hard FM can't be used to good effect in some mods such as the Caproni bomber and Gotha and many others that were modelled in "normal FM" mode. It's probably a difficult and time consuming exercise to rectify all mods to work well in hard FM but where there's life there's hope .....

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