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Alternative F-14 Cockpit with enchanced radar

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Do you have WoE? The reason I'm asking, is because a few of the necessary tga files for the HUD and radar, are default files for WoE's F-15A. If you do have WoE, then I can just post the .ini files for the F-14A's cockpit and avionics, and you'll be all set.


If you do not have WoE, I can tell you that there's an updated F-14A cockpit in the works, and it will have its own, dedicated tga files.

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I have all. SFP1, WOV,WOE, FE1918


Good! In your F-14A.ini (not the F-14A_data.ini), edit the following line; AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll to AvionicsDLL=Avionics70.dll

Then just dop the two files from the attached .rar archive into your F-14A folder, and you'll be all set:

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Done! Thanx very much. =))) But in your config max distance of F-14 radar is 100nm. In real life it have over 150 nm. I`ll correct it!


Thanx again! :good:

Edited by =RAF= SandMartin

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ooops! I find some errors in F-14`s flight model. For example max G-force in game - 11 G... But real F-14 have 6.5-7.0 G... =) I`ll Try to correct

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ooops! I find some errors in F-14`s flight model. For example max G-force in game - 11 G... But real F-14 have 6.5-7.0 G... =) I`ll Try to correct


I think you're confusing Max-sustained G with instantaneous G. For example, during a dogfight against a Noth Vietnamese MiG-17F, "Duke" Cunningham exceeded 11 G's for a moment, and snapped a flap-hinge on his F-4 Phantom, another aircraft with a "7.0 G-Limit" :biggrin:

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