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How find carrier at night in WOV compaign in HARD ?

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Guys, when I complete my mission, on HARD, when I come back to home, I cant find carrier on final waypoint !!! Its GONE! I ask tower - they say Home Plate 1 mile, 12 o clock, but, there are no carrier =((( Carriers lights is off, so I cant find IT =(. i can find it only with autopilots help. Do I havealternative way, to find carrier without autopilot, on hard, at night ?

I tried to see manual, but manual dont have information about this problem =(

Edited by =RAF= SandMartin

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...use the Force Luke, use the Force...


Can't remember for sure (night flying is for bats and t***s) but I think if you've got an HSI in the aircraft (i.e. F-4) it still points to the carrier. Obviously if you've got a radar it shows up on that too in ground mode. I think the lack of lights on shipping is a major problem for naval ops, if only because you can't have a landing aid.

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should show up on radar

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Thanks for information, but I fly on F-8E, & its radar dont have A-G mode :blush:


Never mind at night, I can't even find the damn thing in the daylight.

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I tried using Tomcats over Libya for WoE.. put the folders in the right spot....


And instead of taking off from a carrier.. I take off from the WATER..!!


I bet you wish you could take off from water!


(of course my wingmen just sit there doing nothing)

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You could use ALT-C to make it daytime...

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I think this might be a bug in the campaign. As you leave the objective point, look at the map and make sure the waypoint you are flying to (the triangle) and the one shown on the map are the same. Scrolling to the next waypoint and then back to the present has seemed to fix this for me. I think for some reason when you complete your objective part of the Campaign engine seems to skip a waypoint and part doesn't. Re-aligning the selected waypoint and the one depicted in the map corrects the carrier not being anywhere nearby when you get to the last waypoint. I also make sure I know what direction the carrier was headed when I launched so I can look for it with the radar when I get back if need be. Lastly, if you forget to re-align the waypoints be prepared to divert ashore. Once I've lost the carrier in this manner, I've never found it, even with an 80 mile range setting on the A-6 AG radar, I searched for 30 minutes. I'm not sure if the game just removes it, or if it is just so far off the map due to the mis-aligned waypoint.

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